I have the best rice pudding recipe ever. I mean ever. It's so close to the pudding my grandmother made when I was little, that it almost makes me cry.
I never expected to find anything even in the same universe as the delicious recipe given to me by my friend Beth Anne. Really.
But I must say this recipe I found on Pinterest really does come awfully close! The subtle difference in flavor makes both recipes true treasures.
Recipe Source: ffffood.com

I never expected to find anything even in the same universe as the delicious recipe given to me by my friend Beth Anne. Really.
But I must say this recipe I found on Pinterest really does come awfully close! The subtle difference in flavor makes both recipes true treasures.
(And hello, there are only 5 ingredients!)
Give both of them a try, and let me know which is your favorite! VANILLA COCONUT RICE PUDDING
1 1/2 c. cold cooked rice
1 (14 oz.) can coconut milk (or 1 1/2 c.)
2 c. milk
1/3 c. sugar
pinch of salt
1 vanilla bean, scraped out
(I use vanilla bean paste*)
In a large sauce pan, combine all the ingredients. Bring to a slight boil, and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring every couple of minutes.
Pour into a 9 x 13 baking dish to cool.
You might want to put a piece of plastic wrap over the top to keep the pudding from developing a slight skin.
We like our rice pudding cold, so I refrigerate it for several hours. I also sprinkle a little bit of nutmeg spice on the rice before serving. And I'm thinking the next time I make this I will sprinkle a little toasted coconut on top! Delish!
This is a truly wonderful recipe. The slightly sweet taste of coconut is delicious in this pudding, and makes a wonderful variation on a classic dessert.
*Note:I use vanilla bean paste whenever I have a recipe requiring vanilla beans. I order it online (Amazon, no less), and I love it! It is unbelievably good, and doesn't have the short shelf life the beans do.
Look at the delicious-ness of the vanilla seeds in the paste |