How to Make Red and Black Icing (without losing your mind)

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Psst....if you're having trouble making red or black icing, I have what you need right here.  The good stuff.

best food coloring for red and black icing + tips
AmeriColor Super Red & Super Black gel paste food colorings.  
Yep, that's it.

No adding cherry juice to red icing.  No mixing of every color in your arsenal to make black.  No stirring 2 containers of red food coloring into icing and still winding up with pink.  (When I first started decorating cookies, I tried it all.)

tips for making red and black icing
All you need is AmeriColor Super.  What I love about these colors is that you don't need the entire bottle to make a true red and true black.  Both colors will darken over time and while drying, so try tinting your icing *just about* to the color you want, then stop.  You can even tint your icing a few days ahead and store it in the fridge until you need it.

Oh, did I mention these have no yucky aftertaste like some other colors?  

You can find it many places online: Bake It Pretty, Layer Cake Shop, Sweet Baking Supply, Copper Gifts and, of course, Amazon.  If you have a bakery supply store in your town, I bet they'll have it, too.  I almost forgot...Hobby Lobby!!!

works for me wednesday at we are that family
Making red & black icing the easy for me!
