Mini Broccoli Pesto Pizza ~~Home Bakers Challenge

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Baking is one of my stress burster, i can bake for hours and i love it. Actually while chitchatting with some of our buddies, suddenly we planned to start a baking group and this is how this beautiful Home Bakers Challenge, our new baking baby group was born. Every month a host will give her choice of bake and bakers from this group will bake the posted recipe within a month, between 10th -12th of each month we will post our tried recipes in our respective blogs. How easy na, yep anyone who love baking or to experiment their baking skills can join their hands with us.

For our first month of Home Bakers Challenge, the host of the month Divya Prakash of Divya's Culinary Journey chosed Pizza with 4 varieties, one with pizza sauce while the another one is without pizza sauce,the third one is with pesto sauce and the last but not the least is naanizza, an Indianized version of pizza with naan.I chosed pesto pizza and baked few mini pesto pizza with homemade basil and walnut pesto with our family favourite veggie broccoli. Each and every baker of this group can chose their toppings with their favourite veggies or cheese,watever this group members are really very amazing and they baked varieties of pizza with beautiful toppings.Thanks to Divya for suggesting us pizza for the first bake of this group and we loved it.

Recipe source : Martha Stewart

2+1/4 tsp Active Dry Or Instant Yeast
4 cups All-purpose Flour
1 tsp  Salt
1tsp Sugar
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Sprinkle yeast over 1 1/2 cups warm (not lukewarm) water.

Combine flour,sugar and salt in a bowl,drizzle in olive oil until combined with flour. Next, pour in yeast-water mixture and mix until just combined.

Coat a separate mixing bowl with olive oil, and form the dough into a ball.

Coat the dough with olive oil, then cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and store in the fridge until you need it.It’s best to make the dough at least 24 hours in advance, and 3 or 4 days is even better.

Basil Pesto:
2cups Fresh basil leaves
1/4cup Walnuts
2nos Garlic cloves
Olive oil (as per need)

Bring boil two cups of salted water, drop the basil leaves,within few seconds drain them and let them cool completely.

Pat dry them completely.

In a food processor, take the nuts,basil leaves,garlic,salt,pepper,process until the nuts are finely chopped.

While the machine running, pour the oil and grind until smooth. Transfer the pesto to an air tighted box.

Basil pesto is ready..

Assembling the pizza:
Broccoli florets (as per need)
Grated mozzarella cheese

Take enough pizza dough,roll it as small sized circular discs.

Transfer the rolled pizza dough to a baking sheet placed over a baking tray.

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Spread the pesto sauce to the rolled disc,arrange the broccoli florets over the pizza base finally sprinkle the grated cheese over the veggies.

Bake this vegetarian pizza in the middle rack for 20-25minutes until the cheese melts.
