Sweet & Sour Prawns

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We usually have seafoods twice a week, most of our dishes goes for fish fry coz everyone at home just love it. After fish, we love prawns, i never forget to buy them whenever i go to Indian groceries,coz the prawns we get in chinese stores doesnt taste great as we get from Indian groceries. Earlier when i came to Paris, i was awestuck to see the varieties of frozen prawns we get here, but somehow nothing will be like the fresh prawns we get in Pondicherry. Wat to do, we have to manage everything and my tastebuds started accepting those frozen prawns.

Coming to this sweet and sour prawns, i prepared this delicious prawns for our last sunday's lunch. I simply served it with a bowl of ghee rice, both together tastes fabulous. You can serve this prawns very well with a bowl of hot steaming rice.Everytime we go to Chinese restaurant, we never failed to order this sweet and sour prawns, its been a while i wanted to try them at home. Finally i prepared them at home in my own way to suit my tastebuds.Sending this irresistible prawns to Usha's Seafood Feast.

1/2kg Prawns (cleaned & deviened)
1tsp Garlic (minced)
1tsp Ginger (minced)
1no Onion (diced)
1no bellpepper (diced)
1tbsp Light soya sauce
1tsp Chilly paste
1tsp Sugar
2tbsp Tomato Ketchup
1tbsp Vinegar
Sesame oil
Chopped spring onions

Marinate the prawns with light soya sauce,chilly paste, sugar,ketchup and vinegar for half an hour.

Heat the sesame oil in a kadai, add the minced garlic and ginger, saute for few seconds, now add the diced onions and toss for few seconds.

Add the marinated prawns with the marinated paste,salt and cook in high flame for few seconds, add the diced bellpeppers and cook everything for few more minutes until the bellpepper gets paritally cooked,put off the stove.

Serve hot with a bowl of rice garnished with spring onions.
