Banana Dutch Baby

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Banana Dutch Baby
Panera Bread Recipe

Serves 8

1 Panera Bread Cinnamon Chip Scone or Apple Crunch Muffin
2 tablespoons butter
2 bananas, sliced
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 large eggs, at room temperature
¾ cup 2 percent milk
¾ cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup sugar, granulated
Pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Crush scone or muffin into coarse crumbs in a food processor, using brief pulses.Melt butter in a 12-inch nonstick ovenproof skillet over medium heat. Add banana slices and cook, tossing gently, until coated all over, 1 minute. Spread bananas in single layer, then scatter on the cinnamon.

Whisk together eggs, milk, flour, sugar, and salt in a medium bowl until only small lumps remain. Pour batter into a pan and cook 1 minute. Scatter on crumbs and transfer the pan to the oven. Bake until puffed and golden brown, about 15 minutes.
