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I have been wanting to try this recipe for a long time! However, because I wasn't going on a picnic, but having a friend to my house for lunch, I attempted to press the sandwich under various heavy articles in my refrigerator as opposed to pressing them under picnic items at the bottom of a cooler.
I gathered the ingredients, and put them together on two sandwiches, not following the measurements exactly - but doing it to taste. I loved the idea of these, but they turned out a little soggy - although that may have been due to  the olive tapenade I added.


1 5 ounce jar roasted red bell peppers, drained and roughly chopped
1 pinch hot pepper flakes
1 tablespoon roughly chopped parsley
6 ounces of fresh mozzarella, drained and sliced
(I also added olive tapenade and arugula to our sandwiches)
1/2 thin 18 inch baguette, sliced lengthwise, interior crumb removed

In a medium bowl, combine the first four ingredients.
Spread the bread with olive tapenade, fill the baguette with the mozzarella mixture and arugula.
Close the baguette and wrap it tightly in waxed paper, then in aluminum foil. Place the sandwich at the bottom of the cooler so the weight of the other contents compresses the sandwich and allows the juices to soak into the bread.

Recipe adapted from Cookie magazine, July 2007
