So Long Summertime!

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  Is it really September??? Say it ain't so!  We hope this means cooler some point.  But before those garden zucchini or the last of your tomatoes disappear, you need to make this delicious eassssssy little dish.  We call it Zucchini Casserole - although I believe it originally called for yellow squash, we've never tried it any other way. A friend of ours gave us this recipe more than 15 years ago and we've been making it ever since.  Thank you Renee!!!!  This recipe can be made with store bought zucchini and even canned tomatoes - sliced or diced - we have tried it every way and it's always just as good.  Zucchini, tomatoes, shredded cheddar and a few basic spices - that's it - that's all you need and it is A.mazing!

(for a 9x13 pan)
5-6 medium zucchini
2 cans sliced or diced tomatoes
5-6 medium fresh tomatoes
garlic powder
salt and pepper
non-stick spray

Preheat oven to 350.
Spray a 9x13 pan with non-stick spray.
Wash and slice zucchini and tomatoes if need be.
Begin layering ingredients in the casserole dish.
You really can't mess this up.
Begin with tomatoes - cover the bottom of your dish
sprinkle lightly with salt pepper and garlic powder.
Next, cover tomatoes completely with sliced zucchini
and sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle completely with shredded cheddar
and continue layering until you've used
the remainder of your ingredients
or your dish fills up - whichever comes first.
We usually end up with 2-3 layers.
Cover with foil and bake for
45 minutes to 1 hour.
Remove foil at the end of baking
and continue baking a few more minutes.
This will be lava hot for a good 20 minutes or so!
Let it cool a bit before consuming.

Our kids have always loved it as well
zucchini and all!

