Halloween Food Goof-Ups

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The problem with having a food blog is that everyone  thinks that everything I make turns out as beautifully as it does in the pictures.  Truth is that only the successful recipes make it here on the blog and I regularly have less than stellar kitchen experiences.  I burn dinner sometimes, I make dud-recipes that just don't turn out, and  sometimes I just plain mess up.    Today, Jen and I thought that just for fun,  we would share a few of our Halloween duds!   Do you have any grand Halloween debacles of your own?   We'd love to hear about yours! 

Click here to see a post featuring some of our more successful Halloween treats! 

Skeleton rolls

I think I handled to dough too much making all my different shapes for the skeleton because they didn't rise that much for the second rise, thus making them rather hard. Still, I like the idea.

Mummy Pizza
In theory this worked in my head. Even when I was making it and laying down the mozzarella cheese like wrapping up a mummy. I did forget, however, to take into account that the cheese would melt, therefore ruining all my specifically placed strips of cheese. I used two olives for the eyes peeking out of the wrappings. It sill tasted good, just didn't have that effect that I wanted.

Vampire fang jello

I guess this looked OK, but didn't have the "Wow!" effect I was imagining. I just made plain jello in ramekins and cut up apples to be the teeth. I left some of the red apple peel on the points of the apple slices to be like fangs sinking into someone. The kids liked it though.

Ice Cream Witch Faces
They looked so cute in the magazine photo, but in real life I thought they looked a little too much like  creepy clown faces.  Despite their melty, clown-like appearance, the kids did enjoy eating these! 

Candy Corn Cookies
I saw these all over Pinterest and couldn't wait to try them myself, but apparently the sugar cookie recipe I used was too moist, because they did not hold their shape at all.   Once again, my family had no problem gobbling these all up! 

Ugly Caramel Apples

I was bound and determined to make cute caramel apples this year, but alas they were as ugly as ever.  All the decorations (large and small) slid to the bottom and pooled on the sheet.  They still tasted awesome, but back to the drawing board for next year! 

Witch Cake Balls
The idea behind this was cool, and the kids had fun decorating the witches with different faces.  Maybe I just don't know how to make a good cake ball.  But I think the biggest problem was the amount of cake ball there was.  I rolled the cake balls into the size of a baseball so that the ice cream cone hats would fit.  Then I didn't dip the cake balls into any candy or chocolate coating.  The kids ate it, but every one of the adults took one bite and pushed it away.  I felt so bad, because I had company over as well.  Maybe next year we'll just try witch cupcakes

