3 Days of Giveaways! Cookie Decorating Essentials!

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If you're going to decorate cookies, you'll need a few essentials.

So, these little goodies are from me to you.  I hope you like them.  I hope they inspire you to get in your kitchen and make some cute cookies!

{I'll link to where to find them all online in case you're *not* the lucky winner.} ;)

Cookie Decorating Essentials
Oh, and that book?  I'm gonna sign it for ya.  I haven't decided whether I'll sign it with my name or Sophia Vergara.  We'll see. 

To enter: leave a comment right here on the blog (if you're reading this in an email, click on the blog post title to open this post in your browser) telling me if you've ever decorated cookies before.

For an extra entry: leave a separate comment with your favorite kind of cookie.  Sugar cookie? Chocolate chip?  Oatmeal?  Let's hear it!

{Notes: US only, please be sure to leave a way to contact you if you win, entries accepted through 11:59pm CST, December 14th.}
Happy baking! 
