A Time for Quiet

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If you're like me, thinking about cookies in light of what happened in Newtown yesterday seems frivolous.

I can't help but think of the times over the years when I've sent kiddo to school when he said he didn't feel well.  As a mom, I was always so torn on those mornings...no fever, no cough...I know there were times when I sent him.  I pray that didn't happen to any of those moms yesterday.

I can't help but think of "those mornings."  You know, those mornings were everyone is rushed, your kiddo forgot to tell you about show-and-tell item he needed to bring to school, he decided he doesn't like pancakes (although he loved them yesterday), and oh yeah, he's out of clean socks.  Those not-so-good mornings with raised voices, nagging, and lectures.  I pray that didn't happen to any of those families yesterday.

When my mom died, I had this feeling of living in a parallel universe.  Why were people out shopping?  Why were these silly shows on TV?  MY MOM JUST DIED, I was screaming inside.  I wanted everything to stop...just for a minute. 

So, today I say we do that.  Stop.  Pray.  Pray for those new little angels.  Pray for the families.  Pray for the brothers and sisters, the survivors, the town of Newton, and especially those moms and dads.

Newtown, our hearts break for you. We hold you close in our thoughts and prayers. ♥
