Filter Coffee Panna Cotta

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I know......the name is totally off......I wanted to make this ever since I saw it on Passionate about baking... Deeba Rajpal made Bru Coffee Panna cotta......but how can I make instant cofffee panna cotta when I get a lifetime free supply of amazing coffee beans from a coffee estate in Chikamagalur.....hence the name 'Filter coffee Panna Cotta' sounds so much like.... ...Italy meets South India

Recipe Source : Deeba Rajpal's Passionate about Baking
  • 600ml Cream (I used Amul)
  • 60ml Coffee decoction or 1 1/2 tbsp instant coffee powder
  • 100 g Sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1.5 tsp Gelatin
  • 2 tbsp Cold Water
  1. Sprinkle gelatin in 2tbsp cold water and let it stand for few minutes.
  2. Transfer cream into a thick bottom vessel, add the coffee decoction and sugar into the cream and mix well.Place on medium low flame and heat the cream, do not let it boil.
  3. Add few tablespoons of the hot coffee cream into the soaking gelatin and mix well.Add this into the remaining coffee cream and mix till well combined.Pass this through a sieve.
  4. Transfer the coffee cream into a vessel or individual glasses or ramekins.
  5. Let this set in the refrigerator of 5 to 6 hours or overnight.
* If using instant coffee powder,mix it in 2 tbsp cream till the granules have dissolved and add to the remaining cream before heating it.
