All You Need is...

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...LOVE (cookies).

When I saw this cookie cutter in the Fancy Flours catalog, I knew immediately that I must have it.

You're probably familiar with this image.  It was originally created by aritst Robert Indiana for a Christmas Card and was recreated into sculptures.  I've always loved it...and you just might live near one.  (Here's a list.)

Because we're friends.  Because I trust you have embarrassing pictures in your photo albums.  Because this outfit must never be recreated.  I'm going to show you a picture of when my sister & I had our picture taken with one of the statues.
I know. The year was 1988-ish.  This orange and white fiasco was my FAVORITE OUTFIT.  (I'm not even kidding.)  What you can't see?  I completed the look with orange lipstick and nail polish.  Oh, and the HAIR!!!  Totally high-as-the-sky mall claw in front, crazy highlighted curls in a triangle shape the rest of the way around.  Lovely.

{I wonder why I didn't date much?}

I was so deep in thought, wondering if I should share that picture, I forgot to take pictures for a cookie tutorial.

Luckily, it's a simple outline and flood with royal icing.  I used AmeriColor Super Red, Deep Pink, Soft Pink & Electric Pink.  And, here's a link to the cookie cutter again.

All you need is love...
and possibly a shredder for all photos from the 1980's.

Sur La Table 120x600 11.27.07
