Biscuit Taco Cups

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*Click Here This Recipe*

This is another recipe I tried from the Pillsbury company as part of my Brand Ambassador assignment through Allstars. This is chili in a biscuit bread bowl! How smart is that? 
I used my own *chili recipe here* .
It worked nicely to fill all 8 biscuit bowls! These bowls are a nice per person. I served this with a salad and dinner was complete!

This was so delicious and so much fun to make and serve! Who wouldn't want to eat chili out of a buttermilk biscuit bread bowl! Try saying that 3 times, fast! You really can't go wrong whenever you use Pillsbury refrigerator biscuits! They are perfect every time...and I love cracking open the cardboard container!
Check out their Facebook page **here** for more great recipes! And stay tuned to my blog for more recipes that I'll be making with Pillsbury biscuits!

