However, we were out of butter, and as my purse had been stolen during our travels, I had no cash, credit card or check book with which to purchase any. Rolf was at work, and I wanted to surprise him with the birthday treat, so cake turned into pie - no butter needed.
This bourbon delight came highly recommended. Kat Robinson, who is passionate about pie and did extensive research all over Arkansas, for her book "Arkansas Pie", ( said this slice was her favorite, and I loved that it's from the Greenhouse Grille, right here in Fayetteville. I left out the pecans, and unintentionally overcooked it, as I became distracted taking down the Christmas tree. Thankfully it still tasted wonderful. I especially loved the subtle taste of the bourbon and the delightful burst of sweetness when encountering a chunk of chocolate.
6 eggs
2 cups corn syrup
2 cups brown sugar
1 1/3 cup bourbon
5 ounces chocolate chunks
2 pie crusts, blind baked
Heat oven to 350F.
Beat eggs until smooth. Slowly add syrup and brown sugar. Pour in bourbon and mix thoroughly.
Place chocolate chunks across bottom of pie shells. Pour batter over the chocolate.
Place on sheet pan and bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until center is firm.
Makes two pies.
Recipe adapted from the Northwest Arkansas Times, December 2012