Eggs in Clouds

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This was a very interesting recipe from the the the taste and texture! I had some concerns about if this recipe would work because I've come across many Internet recipes these days, that just look good in photos and are very popular on certain websites, but are totally fake and could never work in the real world! They just look cute on 'Pin' boards, if you know what I mean! This recipe had its share of problems from start to finish but it did taste very good! So all was not lost!

Here is how it went...

This recipe called for whipping the egg whites into stiff peaks and then folding in lots of grated romano cheese, bacon pieces and fresh chives! This was to create the 'cloud' part of this recipe. I knew that the egg whites just couldn't hold up to all those heavy ingredients! And they didn't! Then you are to separate this egg white mixture into 4 portions by mounding them onto a baking sheet and baking them for 3 minutes. I had what resembled 4 lumpy puddles of dog bile! They were foamy and flat. I had to bake the clouds for much more than 3 minutes to get them to even be slightly cooked. Then I had to carve out a gully in the middle of each cloud so that I could have a place to put the egg yolk for the last step!

Then you add the egg yolks to each baked 'cloud' and bake it for 3 more minutes. But that wasn't nearly enough time because the yolks looked very raw. So I baked it for about 6 minutes.

Even though there were lots of problems getting this recipe to work, it still tasted very good and was very interesting to serve. I loved the cheesy flavor of the 'clouds'. The texture of the 'clouds' was not as light as a 'cloud' but resembled  something similar to a fluffy omelet.

I'm just disappointed that my finished product looked nothing like the one in the original recipe! See that photo *here* and judge for yourself!

Maybe I'm the only cook that can't get this recipe to look like the original photo! If you make this recipe and you can achieve those huge, fluffy, glorious 'clouds', that look like twice baked mashed potatoes, please let me know and send me a link to your photo of the recipe!

In the mean time...bon appetit!
