German Potato Dumplings

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I'm always looking for new ways to serve potatoes! There is only so much you can do with a potato! When I saw this recipe on a food blog called 'Dr Ola Cooks', it caught my eye because it looked like matzo balls, as you can see in my photo. But it tastes just like mashed potatoes! It was just more compact. These dumplings are firm and creamy at the same time! This is a more interesting way to serve mashed potatoes and very easy to make! I highly suggest serving the potato dumplings with gravy...any gravy! I used a simple homemade vegetable gravy. I'll post that recipe below. These German Potato Dumplings were perfect with breaded, pan fried pork chops and Italian green beans. But they would be just as good with any meat and any gravy! Go visit Dr Ola's blog and check her recipe!
Here is my recipe for the vegetable gravy! It's so simple and can be used to make chicken or beef gravy too. Just sub chicken or beef broth for the vegetable broth.

2 Tbls. butter
2 Tbls. flour
1(14oz.) can vegetable broth
1/4 tsp. garlic powder - optional
salt & pepper to taste
In a medium saucepan melt the butter over medium heat.
Then add in flour and cook for a rew minutes, stirring contantly.
Using a whisk, add in the vegetable broth and whisk until well blended.
Cook and whisk often until the mixture becomes thickened.
Serve warm.
