Honey & Cinnamon Challah Bread Toast

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I love to make bread toast with leftover stale breads usually or else i'll turn them as breadcrumbs instead of trashing. Everytime while making the famous Jewish challah bread, i always want to make some bread toast with the leftover slices. Finally i have to say that my wish came true, yep i prepared this beautiful honey cinnamon bread toast for our breakfast during a weekend brunch with a loaf of leftover challah bread. If you dont have any idea about the Challah Bread, do check my 6 strand braided bread and my 4 strand braided Challah bread.

Every 3rd of the month,a bunch of food bloggers run the famous blogging marathon and today we are running our 25th edition, cant believe its our 25th edition and am very happy to be a part of this wonderful family, i just missed an edition coz of my operation last year else i have never failed any edition. Do you know few of the marathoners have organised something interesting secretly to celebrate this 25th edition and hope they will reveal it very soon. Coming to this week's theme, i choosed breakfast on the run as this week's theme.The remaining recipes am posting for the next two days will go for less than 30minutes of cooking time as the theme is to wrap the breakfast and go.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#25.

6nos Challah bread slices (slice them as bit thick)
2cups Milk
3nos Eggs
1tsp Cinnamon powder
Honey /Agave syrup (as per need)
Butter or oil for toasting

Beat the eggs with cinnamon powder, honey and keep aside.

Dip a bread slice in the milk and dip immediately to the egg mixture until the bread gets well coated with the egg mixture.

Heat enough butter or oil in a pan, drop immediately the egg coated challah bread slice to the hot butter or oil and toast it on both sides until they get well toasted.

Serve it with honey or else with agave syrup.
