The Mad Blog Awards - Could I be the Best Food Blog??

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Well, it's quite unlikely, of course, but I was chuffed to bits to have been nominated for the Mad Blog Awards Best Food Blog category. That's why I've added that shiny new badge RIGHT AT THE TOP of my sidebar. See it there?

You can find out all about 'The Mads' here and they are all over the little bit of Twitter (@madblogawards) that I inhabit at the moment, but in in essence they are THE Blog awards in the 'parent blogger' community. There are loads of categories: covering craft, parenting, school, oh yes, and FOOD, and the way it works is that 5 finalists in each category are selected by the number of nominations they receive (can you tell that I'm plugging it?).

You don't have to be a blogger to nominate people, and you only have one chance to do your nominations, so you need to choose carefully which bloggers you are going to nominate in the categories available before you go online to do the deed.Once the nominations are in, there's an other round of voting for the winners. Exciting stuff.

I am very flattered to have been nominated. I've also been on and nominated my favourite blogs (and no, I didn't vote for myself - I don't think you can, anyway...) There are so many amazing, creative people out there writing brilliant and entertaining blogs, and I love being part of that. Watching my readership slowly grow over the past 18 months has been exciting, but so has discovering other blogs, other ideas, other points of view, other cake, and I think this is a really good way of showing some love back (although comments on the blog are just as good!).

So hooray for the Mad Blog Awards (and if you DID want to nominate me for Best Food Blog, you've got until midnight on 18th February 2013.)
