Where I've Been!

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You know, I like to follow blogs. I especially like recipe blogs because I love food, and food loves me back. I get so stinkin' annoyed when one of my favorite recipe blogs posts a blog post that has nothing to do with a new recipe! I need the goods! For this reason, I have been putting off this very post. Because I have had so many of you wonderful readers message and comment to me about how much you love and or miss me, I think I owe you an explanation. I haven't left! I have just been busied out! (In fact, I think people in my life who love me very much will probably fuss at me for taking the time to write this post when they find out that I did.:) ) God has laid it on my heart to write, though, so I'm a gonna write! I have learned to do what He says :).

In July, I started dating a wonderful man who lives an hour away. God put us together (It's a good story. I'll post it on one of the blogs one day). We went on our first date July 26. On July 29, my mother was diagnosed with liver cancer (Also an interesting story that I will probably post about one day). My life suddenly centered around helping her get well, getting her to doctor visits, helping out more around her house, etc. ...and then, I got a teaching job in early September...which is another awesome story that I will tell one day. I am a 5th grade teacher for an inner city school, and I love it. The school, though, is 35 minutes away. In November, I had a freak occurance with a nerve in my inner ear that left me dizzy and off balance for weeks (Good thing I have 5th graders. They can catch their teacher.).My mother had 70% of her liver removed in early January. So, for those of you keeping score, I was hopping between Athens, Huntsville, Arab, and Nashville for quite a while. If you look those up on a map...you can imagine the hours I was spending in the car each day. My mom came home in late January, and our family all pitched in to help her recover. (She's actually doing quite well, and I will tell that story one day, too, because it is just absolutely awesome how God has worked in her life.) When God puts two people together, they know it. I got engaged officially in mid-January.  So...there's a wedding to plan. Oh, and did I mention? I've been in graduate school throughout all of the stuff I've already mentioned, too. 

Any spare minute I have (hahahaha) goes to fiance, mom, grad school, or wedding plans. My poor little blog has been temporarily neglected. Do not worry. I have material to post! I just need the time to type it all out...and when that will be?...I do not know. What has absolutely amazed me is the dramatic increase in readers and pinterest followers I have acquired in the midst of all of this craziness and lack of posting. I am so honored to have you stop by and read this lil' blog. To be touched by it in some way. 

I hope to write again very soon...with an actual recipe...but in the mean time...I hope you all understand. Grad school, wedding, and school all get out at the end of May/early June. Hopefully I won't have to wait until then!

Much Love,
