a GOOD day

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Here we are on this Good Friday
and a good one it has been.
We had the sweetest service at our church today.

Amidst the busyness of preparing
for such a service (or any service for that matter),
I am constantly amazed at
how the Spirit moves and brings such
an incredible newness (is that a word?)
to a service even when you've watched it all
being put together for days and days.
SUCH a great reminder that our Savior
is indeed ALIVE and His Spirit
is actively working in us and around us.

There is such a special-ness (that is def not a word)
about this whole week.  Christians celebrate
because Jesus died for our sins but didn't stay dead.
Families all over the country gather together
to celebrate with food and activities for the kids.
Signs of Spring and it's warmth
are even trying to bust out -
it's truly a time for thankfulness.

For this week's Free Recipe Friday,
I am here to introduce you to something
that'll perk up your buffet table for sure.
Taboli or Tabouli or maybe even Tabbouleh.
A yummalicious Mediterranean
bulgur wheat salad dish.
A Mediterranean what? you say?!?
Well, just trust me on this one.
This middle eastern dish,
is so fresh and springy.
Tabouli, as we spell it, comes in a package
with all of it's little Mediterranean tasting things
and you just add a few easy ingredients and voila -
yummyness!  Don't be deceived, even though
it may look like rice, it is not.
This grain has the most buttery, nutty flavor.
Our family loves it.
I was introduced to it about 30 years ago
at Grandma Taylor's house.  It was a staple.
Tabouli makes a great side dish
or can easily hold it's own all by itself.
Although you can find this item on most
grocery store shelves, the bad news is
that the other brands taste a bit different than
the brand we know and love.
We order ours, just as James' grandmother did,
from Bishop Taboli Products in
Bristow, Oklahoma.
All others are just not the same.

Whether you decide to order it
or try a batch from a local supermarket,
you will be glad you did.
It would go grrrreat along side your
Easter ham or brisket.
Absolutely phenom!

1 pkg. Tabouli Salad Mix
Vegetable Oil (or Olive Oil)
Lemon Juice

Optional Ingredients:
Cucumber, seeded and diced
Tomatoes, diced
Green Onions, diced

I have not included the amounts
of these ingredients because
the recipe may vary from brand to brand and
the recipe will be included on the packaging.

Mix all ingredients together.  Stir.
Cover and refrigerate for several hours
before serving.  The longer the better!
When we have this on hand,
James will regularly eat it for breakfast.

I hope you will give it a try.
Look for it in any grocery store.
We recently found a brand at Wal-Mart
on the aisle with the Matzo balls
and other Middle-Eastern type items.

