Simple Pleasures

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If you knew me when I was a teen
or hang around our house much now,
you should know I am a fan of salt AND lemons.
I have, however, learned to tame that craving
from the out of control days of youth
to now appreciating how necessary
salt is in cooking and to our bodies.

There may be a fine line between just the right amount
and over-salting, but please remember
if you don't put the correct amount of salt
into your cooking you will actually
use more at the table trying to get your food
to taste right. Our bodies need salt.
Some bodies more than others, obviously,
but unless your doctors have forbid you from it,
please do not be so afraid of salt.
(side note: you should also be drinking plenty of water)

Did you know that salt
makes buttercream icing better than all the rest!?
Did you know that cookies and brownies
are even better with salt in the recipe?!?
Did you know that placing a bit of sea salt
into your mouth is a natural antihistamine?!
Remember the old saying, 'you should take some salt?'
Just try google-ing Sea Salt/Benefits. Wow.
Have I convinced you yet?!?

This week's Free Recipe Friday
I bring you something quite possibly
even better than salt.
Lemon Salt!
If you love lemons and salt,
you very well may be using this
on just about anything you can find!

We happened to put it on french fries
sliced as thinly as possible without
using a mandoline -which
would have made them insanely better,
but a good knife will work if you're careful.
I actually used a filet knife.  :)

2 Lemons - zested
About 4 Tablespoons of Sea Salt
A mortar and pestle OR food processor

Mish and mash the lemon zest
and sea salt together until well combined.

Note: when you zest a lemon the yellow oily rind
is all that you want.  Getting into the white
layer will only add bitterness.
The best way to zest is to use a microplane
or the tiniest part of a cheese grater.

You can also use a vegetable peeler
and carefully 'peel' the lemon
without much pressure so that
you don't take the white off with the yellow.
Have I confused you yet?!?

Next, take your 'peels' and stack a few up
and dice them as small as you can.
This was my method on this particular day.
It left me with lemon peel
a bit larger than using a microplane,
but makes it easy to grab a piece
now and then to snack on!  Win, win!
Use up whatever you need right away
or let it sit in a dry spot for a few days
and then store it in a container to use
to your hearts content!
You will notice when using it immediately
the natural lemon oils make it
very fragrant - the most awesome smell in my book!
After it dries a bit, as you can see in the photo,
obviously, so will the peel.

Now add to whatever your mind can imagine -
steamed broccoli, asparagus, fish, chicken

