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I made these on a Sunday morning after the kids requested pancakes for breakfast.
I fixed mine the New Zealand way, with a generous squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of sugar, while they dressed theirs up with butter and maple syrup - then chocolate chips, sprinkles and powdered sugar. Max decided because it was his birthday this month, he would put a candle in his and we would sing him happy birthday - it was so much fun we all determined it would become a new family tradition.


4 eggs, separated
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons sour cream

In a medium bowl, beat egg yolks until creamy. Stir in milk.
Sift together the flour, salt and sugar. Add to egg mixture. Stir in sour cream.
In a small mixing bowl, beat egg whites on high speed until stiff peaks form. Fold egg whites into batter.
Coat a skillet with cooking spray, place over high heat until skillet is hot. Reduce heat and place about 1/4 cup batter in the skillet. Cook until brown on bottom side (the batter is thick, so I didn't see any bubbles to indicate it was time to flip them). Flip and brown on the other side. Repeat the process with the remaining batter. Serve with desired toppings.
