Salami ....the New Bacon

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Several months ago we stumbled upon a sweet find.
We had a few slices of Hard Salami in the fridge
leftover from making a Muffaletta.
so I decided to fry them up to get rid of them.
Lo and behold - they were like little slices
of bacon heaven, yet, almost better.  Almost.
The better part is that it is quick, EASY,
less mess and super flavor.
The down side part is that, well, it's just not bacon.
But watch out bacon, it could very easily take your place.
It has a great flavor - sort of crispy around the edges
and is great to nibble on by itself or
pile onto a breakfast sandwich, ANY time of day.
hard salami
baking sheet

an "everything" bagel
english muffin, both toasted
feta cheese
shredded sharp cheddar
a fried egg - cooked to your liking

Preheat oven to 350.
Immediately lay the thin salami slices
on a baking sheet - as many as you'd like
Place baking sheet in the oven as it preheats
and by the time it has reached the right temperature,
the salami will most likely be ready.
There's no exact time really -
just know they cook very quickly
and it all depends on your oven.
My best guestimate is that they'd be done
in 3-5 minutes.  They need to barely
be turning darker around the edges -
FYI, they crisp up as they cool off.

A bit crispy around the edges,
a bit 'floppy' in the middle equals perfect!
Remove from the oven and lay the salami slices
onto a paper towel to drain a bit.
If you'd like to make a breakfast-y sandwich,
cook up a fried egg while you melt some cheese
onto your bagel or english muffin under the broiler.

Lay that fried egg onto the toasted bread
along with some feta cheese
and a few slices of cooked salami
and voila - a breakfast-y sandwich
that will become a morning necessity.
It could very well look just like this one
with runny egg yolk and all.
If you want to eat on the go,
cook your egg a bit more or use scrambled.
No problemo.
These sandwiches are the bomb
and have become such a yummy fav of ours.
Hope you will love them just as much!

