The Stars at Night, are Big and Bright...

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...{clap, clap, clap, clap} Deep in the Heart of Texas (and LA!)

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Yes.  Please do a little *squeal* with me.  That IS Jim Parsons.  Eating a cookie.  Eating a cookie made in my little ol' kitchen.  Seriously.

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Jim Parsons and I went to the same high school.  I believe he was a freshman when I was a senior, so with class sizes of 700+, we probably passed in the halls, but never met.  BUT, I *know* people who *know* him.

{It's kinda like that whole 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon thing, kinda.}

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When someone from your hometown makes it big, you root for them.  When someone from your hometown makes it big...and is gracious, and kind, and funny, and down-to-earth, you root for them even more.

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AnyWAY...I had the opportunity to make cookies for Jim's 40th birthday party.  (Yes, he's 40.  No, I don't know what kind of face cream he's working, whatever it is.)

Jim is a Texas boy, and like any good Texas boy, wanted Texas theme cookies.  So, that's what he got.
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Texas cookies all around: Texas, Texas maps, Texas stars, Texas bluebonnets, armadillos, boots and hats.
{More details on the decorating later this week.}

People, put the Spring/Klein area of Texas on your radar.  We're home to Lyle Lovett; we're home to Shelly of Cookies and Cups; and yes, we're home to Jim Parsons.  And we couldn't be more proud!

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{Happy Birthday, Jim!  Welcome to your 40's.  It's good here.}
PS...coveting that tablecloth. 

{PPS...thank you, Todd!!!} 

See the How-to Texas Cookies posts: part one & part two.
