Vegan Oatmeal Muffins

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"Baking is a wonderful experience." Whenever I read this phrase and the kinds of these I used to wonder what could be so wonderful about it,  not until I started baking. It is surely a beautiful experience to see your muffins, cookies, cakes, pizzas etc getting baked in the oven. The aroma of freshly baked goodies filling your house is an incredible feeling in itself. Baking has become my latest fetish and it is going to last for sometime.

For this month the Groovy Gourmets decided to go Vegan and cook up from Roxanne's Blog. Baking Vegan is OK but I can't imagine myself turning into a vegan. I can give up anything but not my curds. I have to finish my meal with at least a small cup of curd rice else it feels incomplete.

I decided to bake the oatmeal muffins. The recipe was not vegan. I made few changes here and there keeping in mind what I had at hand and turned them into completely vegan muffins. The muffins were super soft and spongy. They were just about sweet if you like really sweet muffins feel free to increase it by a tbsp or two. My daughter said I should definitely add this line as she felt they were not sweet enough.

Pardon my pictures, I'm really bad at taking pics of baked goodies.

Lightly Adapted from Roxana’s  Home Baking

Makes about 6 muffins

What you'll need
  1. Oats – ¾ cup
  2. Whole Wheat Flour – ½ cup
  3. Baking Powder – 1 tsp
  4. Baking Soda – ½ tsp
  5. Salt – a pinch
  6. Mashed Ripe Banana – ½ cup
  7. Sugar – 1/3 cup
  8. Any Refined Oil – ¼ cup
  9. Lemon Juice – 1 tsp
  10. Warm Water – ½ cup

  1. Grease or line the muffin trays.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180C.
  3. Measure the oats and powder it in a mixie.
  4. In a wide bowl add all the dry ingredients – oatmeal flour, whole wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt. Mix well.
  5. In another bowl, mix the sugar, oil, mashed banana until the sugar is dissolved.
  6. Add this to the dry ingredients and mix gently.
  7. Add the water and mix.
  8. Finally add the lemon juice mix and pour into the muffin trays.
  9. Bake at 180C for 15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Enjoy them warm.

Check out what the other gourmets are upto here.

