{Eggless} Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

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I have been working the potato harvest this past week. I drive a big truck alongside the harvester and then go unload it at the potato cellar. We start at 7 am and finish (so far) at 10 pm.
Thankfully I have an awesome husband who goes at 7 and then I go around 8:30 in the morning which buys me time to get the house in order and stuff after I put Hannah and Preston on the bus. Then I drive all.day.long. until Lance comes back around 7 pm to drive the rest of the night, which gives me time with my kiddos to feed them dinner and put them to bed.
I like to think Lance is being super nice and sweet.
However, I suspect he just doesn't want to be Mr. Mom. I tell him each night that I can drive if he will just clean the house, make dinner, bathe the kids, and put them to bed.
He hasn't taken the offer yet.
If you follow me on Instagram you may have already seen these...
That's my truck getting ready to be loaded with potatoes. I drvie right along the harvester. It freaked me out at first because you have to watch your distance between you and the harvester, watch the man for his signals of when to move forward or put the side door up, and not get stuck and all that.
Then I drive to the potato cellar where I back in (another freak out until I got used to backing in) and unload. This is where I read my books. I started last Satuday and am on my 3rd book just from reading while waiting to load, unload, or during breakdowns. I love getting paid to read!
The spuds go through a series of conveyor belts to be sorted and either bagged for selling or sent to processors where they make hashbrowns and fries and such.
Emma has been with Lance while I work but once in a while she rides along with me.
So I have been mighty busy. Lance came to switch me out for a couple hours so I am getting this post written while I have the chance.
Which brings me to this recipe. It is eggless for a reason.
To be eaten with a spoon.
Like after a long day of hauling potatoes.
Or whatever.
2 C all-purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
3/4 C unsalted butter, melted
3/4 C. packed brown sugar
1/2 C white sugar
 1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
4 Tbsp. milk
Any amount of chocolate chips that you want
Mix and eat it up!
Really. Just dig right in.
And kick back with some Netflix or The Voice. Or Ellen. Any of those work.

I originally posted this recipe here, but changed a few amounts to make it better.
