Chickpeas Sesame Rice

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For my second day of blogging marathon with cooking with chickpeas as theme, i choosed to make something different with rice. Usually i make atleast once a month our favourite flavourful,healthy sesame rice. Sesame rice gets ready very quickly when compared to any other one pot meal. This rice goes for a quick spice powder with dry roasted sesame seeds along with some spices mixed with rice and tempered with spices.

This time for a change, i tried adding cooked chickpeas to my usual sesame rice, for my surprise this combination rocks.I simply served this rice with fried potatoes and both this flavourful rice and spice potato fries turned out our yesterday's lunch simply awesome. Next time,if you are making sesame rice at home,do try adding few chickpeas and you will definitely know the difference.Sending this rice to my event Healthy Diet-Fast & Quick Healthy Dish guest hosted by Kalpana.Check out the marathoners running this 22nd edition of blogging marathon here.

1/4cup Sesame seeds(i used white sesame seeds)
6nos Dry red chillies
2tbsp Urad dal
2tbsp Coriander seeds
2cups Cooked Basmati rice
1/2cup Cooked chickpeas

For Tempering:
1/4tsp Mustard seeds
1/4tsp Urad dal
2nos Dry red chillies
few Curry leaves
2tbsp Oil

Dry roast sesame seeds in simmer until they turn golden brown.

In tha same pan dry roast the dry chillies then followed by coriander seeds and urad dal..keep aside and let them get cool.

Grind as fine or coarse powder with enough salt and store them in a air tightened box..

Add this spice powder to the cooked rice as much as you desire.

Meanwhile heat the oil and fry the mustard seeds,urad dal, dry chillies and curry leaves,finally add the chickpeas and cook for few seconds.

Add immediately this tempered spices to the rice and toss gently until the rice get well mixed,add salt if needed..

Enjoy this dish with potato fries.
