Easy Cheese Sandwich

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How about starting your day with a super cheesy,easy breezy and simple super filling sandwich?, definitely i wont say 'no', as i told earlier am not a breakfast person.I love to have a thick smoothie or a coffee with a bread just for the sake of not skipping the breakfast. But if someone prepare a quick sandwich with cheese specially for me, am ready to have it for my breakfast without any hesitation.I prepared this cheesy sandwich for my lil one for his breakfast as he love cheesy sandwiches very much.

I used grated gruyere cheese for making this sandwich and this sandwich goes for a super quick preparation and obviously its one of the easiest sandwich even a kid with an adult helps can prepare easily for his breakfast or snack. This is my second post for this week's blogging marathon as i choosed breakfast on the run as this week's theme.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#25.

4nos Bread slices
Gruyere cheese (as per need)

Place the gruyere cheese as per need over a bread slice, cover it with an another slice.

Either you can choose to prepare this sandwich either with a sandwich maker or in a pan.

I prepared mine in a sandwich maker.

With a cup of tea and apple, am sure you will definitely have a super filling breakfast.
