Poori Recipe-Sweet Sagu Recipe

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Poori Recipe/Sweet Sagu Recipe

            We enjoy poori as evening snack rather than morning breakfast. Oily dishes are avoided as for as possible in the morning. Poori goes very well along with saagu and bhaji. The saagu that I am posting here is my father's recipe. My father had a hotel business, there he used to prepare saagu with little sweetness in it. Hope you too enjoy this version of saagu. Here goes the poori saagu recipe.
poori sagu
Poori recipe ingredients
  • Wheat flour- 1 cup
  • Salt- 1/2 tbsp
  • Sugar- 1/2 tbsp
  • Oil- 5 tbsp+ for deep fry
sagu ingredients
Saagu recipe ingredients
  • Potato- 1 large sized
  • Green peas- A fist ful
  • Onion- 2 medium sized
  • Jaggery- lemon sized
  • Red chilly powder- 1 tbsp
  • Coriander powder- 1 tbsp
  • Grated copra- 4 to 5 tbsp
  • Salt- 1 tbsp (adjust to taste)
  • Bay leaf- 1 or 2

Seasoning ingredients
  • Mustard seeds- 1 tbsp
  • Urad dal- 1 tbsp
  • Broken red chilly- 1 
10 to 12 pooris depending on the size
  • In a large bowl add 1/2 tbsp salt, 1/2 tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp cooking oil and 1/2 cup warm water. Let salt and sugar dissolve in it. Now add wheat flour and mix with you hands. Add little water if needed and knead it well to soft, pliable dough. Cover it with damp cloth and let it sit for half an hour.
poori dough
  • Soak green peas in water for 8 hours. Chop potato and onion in to small pieces.
  • Pressure cook peas and potato pieces till soft.
  • Make lemon sized balls from poori dough. Add 3 tbsp oil and toss them.
lemon sized balls for poori rolling

  • Apply little oil to the rolling pin and roll each poori in  circular shape with medium thickness. If the rolled out pooris are too thin, then pooris will not puff up properly. Roll all the pooris and spread the rolled out pooris on a big plate. Now the pooris are ready for deep frying.
rolled out pooris

  • Heat a frying pan/kadai, add cooking oil for deep frying. The oil should be hot enough for deep frying pooris. Check it by dropping a small dough in to the oil. If it sizzles and comes up to the surface immediately, then it is right temperature for frying pooris.
  • Slide rolled out poori in to the hot oil, after few  seconds slightly press the poori using slotted ladle. It will puff up and just turn the poori to other side. Fry it till golden brown and remove it from oil. Drain it on paper tissue. 
deep frying pooris

  • Continue the same process till all the rolled pooris are done.
 Now Sweet Sagu Preparation method
  • Heat pan, add a tbsp of cooking oil, add mustard seeds, urad dal and broken red chilly. When mustard seeds splutter add chopped onions and saute till they turn transparent. Add jaggery, bay leaf, little water and cook till jaggery dissolves.
onion sauting for sagu
  •  Now add cooked potatoes, green peas and mix well.
sagu preparation

  • Add all spices like red chilly powder, coriander powder, salt, grated copra and water as per the consistency required. Mix it well and bring it to boil.
sagu ready

  • Now poori and sagu is ready to serve.
poori sagu ready

  • For sagu you can add a tea spoon of garam masala powder too, it tastes very good.
  • You can omit jaggery if you don't like sweetness in sagu, but I recommend to add it.
  • The poori dough should be stiffer than that of chapathi, otherwise pooris will turn soggy. 

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