Fondue for Love!

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Although I feel like Hallmark AND Pinterest
go a bit overboard with most holidays
throughout the year, I WILL say that
Valentine's Day is quite special to us.
Not that Flag Day or Labor Day
aren't special in their own way.
There's just something about the
'love holiday' that we take a likin' to.
It's actually an anniversary of sorts for us - 
of the day my hubs made his first move
towards dating me.  Whoa.
Sooo, we pretty much hold this occasion
up about as high as our wedding anniversary. 
This doesn't mean we always do grand things,
but they are always special.
Most years, we actually look forward to
planning and celebrating Valentine's 
Candles, the real china, homemade menus,
making our children be our waitresses...
you know, the works.
Yes, I know, it's fun not to HAVE to cook a meal
but, in my book, we can eat out any time.
Save the dinner dates for a less crowded,
less stressful night to go out on - 
and celebrate this year at HOME.
If your spouse is the one that usually
prepares the meals, then I can almost guarantee you
that getting dressed up and cooking for them
AT HOME is the sweetest most romantic thing.
And if you are the one that usually prepares the meals,
take the stress off your mate by requesting
to stay home.  Cook some fondue together
or just order a pizza.  
Love AND less stress is the way to go.

When I think of something that would be
romantic, yet easy on the preparer -
I think FONDUE.
Whether you do a cheese fondue and/or chocolate -
what could be easier and less stressful to prepare?!?
No, seriously it is.
We have made this several times
and is such a perfect, relaxing meal.
It is so interactive - you really don't even need plates!

Check out a recent article I did
in The Wedded Bliss on just that!
We make the Simpler Fondue recipe found there
and you'll find step by step
 instructions for three fondue recipes.
Take a night off from the stress of going out
on Valentine's and take your sweetie out to dinner
another time!!!  After all, it's easier to gaze into
each other's eyes at home than in a
baby screaming restaurant, yes?!

