Homemade Baby Food Recipe/Homemade Baby Cereal-Porridge Recipe

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Homemade Baby Food/Cereal/Porridge recipe
                         Is your little baby seems to have grown appetite? Usually pediatrician suggest to introduce solid food for babies between 4 to 6 month. They usually recommend using homemade porridge rather than store bought ones. So I would like to help such moms who wish to give such healthy, homemade cereals for their babies. My pediatrician guided me on quantity of grains to be chosen and the way it is to be prepared. I followed her guidance and my son loved eating this porridge. Though it takes few days of hard work to prepare cereal but trust me it is worth the pain. So here is the list of ingredients and homemade porridge recipe for all new mothers. Hope it will help you.

home made baby porridge
Homemade baby food/cereal/porridge recipe Ingredients
  • Ragi- 1 kg
  • Wheat- 250 gm
  • Chickpea-100 gm
  • Green gram- 100 gm
  • Ground nut- 100 gm
  • Almond- Few
  • Cashew- Few
  • Pista- Few
  • Clean all the grains removing stones, foreign particles and other impurities if any.
  • Wash ragi with enough water and soak it overnight.
  • Next morning drain water from ragi and tie it in a clean, cotton cloth. Let it rest in dark place or within vessel for about 12 hours.
  • After 12 hours you can see ragi sprouted. Pat dry ragi in shade spreading it on a clean cloth.
sprouted ragi

  • Follow above three steps for  the grains like wheat, chickpea and green gram. Green gram and chickpea needs less time to sprout. You can keep them tied in cotton cloth just for 4 hours.

sprouted wheat-chickpea-greengram
  • Once all sprouted grains are well dried in shade, roast them separately in kadai/pan. Let it cool.
roasted grains

  • Grind them to fine powder using your mixer grinder. You can grind them in batches adding dry fruits in each batch. ( If you grind dry fruits separately, it will be sticky as nuts ooze out oil.)
dry fruits
  • Now sieve this powder. Healthy and nutritious multi grain home made baby cereal is now ready.
homemade baby cereal powder
  • Store it in a airtight container. It lasts for a month if you give porridge 3 times a day.
How to prepare porridge
  • Take two to three table spoon of porridge powder, add half to 1 cup of water and mix it well so that no lumps are formed.
  • Add 1 tbsp of ghee and little jaggery.
  • Cook it in low flame stirring continuously till it thickens. 

  • Now baby porridge is ready. Feed it to the baby after it cools a bit. Baby will surely relish this multi-grain cereal porridge.
  • When preparing porridge you can replace water by equal amount of milk. I used to add water till my kid is of 1 year age, then I replaced water by milk.  
  • Make sure the jaggery that you are using for porridge preparation is free from impurities.
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